Management Team

Sr. Tabitha Njambi Kariuki


Diploma in project Management and Planning, Masters in Counseling, Diploma in Pastoral and Development Studies

Sister Tabitha Njambi Kariuki is the center` administrator with a wealth of experience in community development and working with children and youth, having worked at a number of Edelvale Trust Projects for many years.

They include: Jamaa Home, rehabilitation centre for street children, women coordinator at kitui Diocese, Edelvale home, rehabilitation centre for abused children and youth.

Rhoda Wanjiru Gathoga

BSc. International Business Administration, Masters in Human Resource Development

Rhoda Wanjiru Gathoga is the manager at St. John Eudes Centre.

She has wealth of experience in business property management having worked at Lloyd Masika Ltd as a property manager, Long and Foster real estate Inc. USA, as a real estate sales person, MCI worldcom, Maryland USA as a call customer care service representative and Mama Ngina Childrens Home, as a voluntary community service worker.