Counselling Services

With the demand of Counselling services: the department was established to address the needs and as part of a holistic care to both self and referred individuals (inpatient, outpatient and the public) and Capacity building.

Services rendered at Edelvale Trust Jamaa Home and Mission Hospital department includes:-

  • Individual and Couple,
  • HIV Testing and Counselling (HTC),
  • Psychological Counselling Services.

The Counselling Department endeavours to deliver psychological counselling services safeguarding its core values:

  • Tolerance,
  • Integrity,
  • Mutual respect,
  • Empathy,
  • Transparency and Accountability.

To realise Kenya’s Vision 2030 for health that is: “equitable and affordable health care at the highest affordable standards”. The VCT was registered on 14th October 2009 has been on the forefront promoting HIV behaviour change through prevention, care and support.

This has led to the provision of ongoing psychological counselling including HIV related support – PMTC, CCC and support Group.

Counselling services rendered are not only HIV related to the psychological wellness of individuals, couples and support systems, with the emphasis on the individual best interest.

Edelvale Trust Jamaa Home and Mission Hospital counselling centre desires to introduce new services to include:

  • Friendly Youth Services:
  • Accreditation Association as a counseling and training institute:
  • Mentoring and coaching Interns:
  • Safe haven to the distressed in expressing their emotions;
  • Community related interventions as a sole responsibility of societal behavior change; resource mobilization; Family psychological counseling and psychological Home visits.

To attain reverse of HIV infection and other leading killer diseases which have negatively affected Kenya`s life expectancy which fell from 54 years in 1975 to 47 years in 2005: let 2013 change in tide to unfold new horizons and realize new dreams to rediscover the strength, faith within and to rejoice in simple pleasures and gear up for new challenges while always moving forward towards a psychological health nation.

What is the challenge in knowing your HIV status today!! Visit our counseling department; or make a booking by calling Edelvale Trust Jamaa Home and Hospital.

Edelvale Trust Jamaa Home and Mission Hospital Counseling Center charges are cost effective but valued added to the individual.