Information Technology

We offer KATCE (Kenya Accounts Technician Certificate Examination) and CPA (Certified Public Accountants).

Technology advancements have been appreciated in this Institute, by propagating the inflow of information technologies both theoretically and practically.  Meanwhile, we have increased information technology development in our institution, this is ranging from an in source and outsource remuneration of a well-stocked laboratory, automated services ,skilled and trained staff and literal informed and up to date literature.

Our technological objectives have been met in the way of offering direct training to our students, examinations from Kenya National Examination Council and other outreach  programs that enhance  the technological phenomenon

The laid study measures  are  to merge  our existing knowledge  and resources with other  grown  sources  in the country to better  the targeted  output  of the Institute.

“Technology is like a growing child”

The challenge behind  our success is really  a concern of the Technophobia attitude  which is dominating  our Kenyan  society, and the financial  constraints, although through Our Mission and Vision of the institute, these challenges  have sunk.

The computer laboratory has 30 computers with 43 students 28 have completed different packages and 15 are on progress.

Requirements – Writing Materials and flash Disk (2GB)

Module I
Tuition fees (Kshs. 4,500)

  • Introduction to computer & Windows
  • Ms Dos
  • Word Processing (Ms Word)
  • Spreadsheets (Ms Excel)
  • Database (Ms Access)
  • Desktop Publishing (Ms Publisher)

Module II
Tuition fees (Kshs. 8,500)

  • Computer Maintenance 2000
  • Software Installation     2000
  • Adobe Page-maker        2000
  • Graphic presentation (Ms PowerPoint) 1000
  • Email And Internet 1500

NB/ Typing – For Module 2 Free of charge.

Module III
Tuition (Kshs. 11,500)

  • Computer Networking 3000/=
  • Sage/Quick Books  2000/=
  • Computer Aided Design (Corel Draw) 2000
  • Programming I   2500
  • Web Design        2000


  • Writing materials, Flash Disk (2Gb)
  • Registration Fee 500/=

Other requirement for Stage 2
Software & Blank Compact Disk