Our Projects

Jamaa Mission Hospital

Jamaa Mission Hospital

It is run by Sisters of Our Lady of Charity.  It has grown from a humble beginning as a girl child facility and has now expanded to a fully 24 hour equivalent to a District hospital of level four rating. It is well equipped with state of the art facilities, with over 40 qualified doctors, and over 50 nurses.

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Edelvale Training Institute

Edelvale Technical Institute

The institute was started by sisters who came from England in 1959 when they first established a home under the name Edelvale Homes which served as a rescue center for marginalized girls who were in danger of rape, early of marriage and prostitution during the pre-independent era.

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St. John Eudes Ladies Hostels

It  is owned by the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity, it is  non-profitable organization which started its full operation in 2011.

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Waridi Nursery School

Waridi Kindergaten

Waridi nursery school is a non-profitable institution, and funds got from fees paid cater for the Edelvale trust various projects e.g. Jamaa Homes, Edelvale Homes etc.

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